...this was an unusually quiet afternoon at the park...I don't know why I looked up but when I did, I caught sight of this Black-billed Cuckoo...Wow! I felt pretty lucky just to get a few shots of him..before he flew to another tree.. deeper into the woods. He is one of those elusive birds..that I would hear but not see.

Fruit is in abundance now..berries everywhere! I just happen to see this bird fly down from a nearby tree to eat some of these berries. I don't know why but Cedar Wax Wings seem to be one of my favorite birds to watch..their plumage always reminds me of silk..and when they fly..you see all those vibrant colors. So many different colors all on one bird!!

I came across this little guy near the end of my walk. He was quite actively flitting from one branch to another but I'm still not sure what he is...?? The lighting at the end of an afternoon can be really tricky and but it looks like his belly color has a creamy yellow look to it. She has now been identified as a female redstart! Thank u Dawn!

..and while I was over-haul'en my blogger look and beginning to edit my afternoon photos, this little guy flies right up to my study window..lucky my camera was right next to me and I got a few shots of him...looking in..maybe he came to wish me a Happy Bloggeranniversary! It was about this time last year that I published my first post! Whatever the reason, it was a nice way to end the afternoon!