Tuesday, 11a.m. I glanced out the window and noticed the rain had turned to wet snow...never in my mind did I think that by....

1p.m. we would have 3 inches of snow! Notice the picture above and the one below were taken from the same spot in my yard!

and it continued..... heavier flakes now!

Tree limbs started snapping like toothpicks under the weight of all that heavy snow...loud snapping cracks filled the still air as I took these pictures. Many of our neighbors lost large limbs from their beautiful evergreens, maples and pear trees. We were luckier than most and only lost a few small branches off of our swamp maple. In a few hours it was all over and I think we probably received about 4 inches of snow.

...and of course, through it all, our resident squirrel NEVER missed a crunch on all those sunflower seeds I had put out earlier in the morning...for ALL to enjoy.

...and by Friday we are suppose to be back in the mid 60's with plenty of sunshine......as least that's what our weather forecasters are calling for???

Brrr!That looks cold.Snow in my mind is beautiful,but it can certainly do a lot of damage to the trees.
Wooooo----I cannot believe that you all got THAT much snow. Too bad about the tree limbs. I LOVE snow--but not when it causes damage. Wonder what they will do about the baseball game??????
Beautiful photos!! Enjoyed your blog... Wish I still lived where it snows... :)
So much of snow in such a short time...In India I need to go up north to see snow. you folks are so lucky to get it in your backyard
We got a little bit of snow, more in the higher elevations. Nothing like the snowstorm that hit you, thank goodness.
Tina: It's way to early to have the snow covering the ground.
You may have to come to Kent to get the Black Squirrel photo and it's really easy to get lucky. I had 4 black & 2 grey playing in the back yard on Saturday.
Tina - that squirrel photo was precious! he definitely must've been hungry to be out in that snow mess! But I do think your snow photos are beautiful
Yikes! I'm cold already, and won't really feel warm till May!
Tina: My, 3" of snow in October. That is just not right, what happened to Fall.
Good question Fishing Guy!! Maybe the snow's appearance was my fault!!! The post before this one included a comment that said, seeing the white-throated sparrows, made me realize that winter winds and snow were right around the corner!! Looks like I jinx myself!! lol
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm heading outside, right now, to enjoy this Fall day..hope your week is sunny and nice...with no signs of that white stuff!!
I think you are so lucky to see SNOW In my life I have seen it twice thats how common snow is here and to take photos like this is a dream of mine so Im envyious of you great blog !
While the quick early snow fall is pretty, the clean up can last for days. We need to get out and enjoy the 60 degree days while they are here.
Poor little squirrel. We had to drive through that stuff to get to the Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday. Wasn't fun. There were semis jack knifed all over. By the time we got to Ohio, it was all gone and we wore just light jackets our entire trip, except the one night at the horse race track.
Hope everyone is having a Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!
What a story! Even the squirrel has snow on it.
Amazing, Tina! It's such a beautiful snow, but really hit hard, didn't it!? Wow!
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