A Nashville Warbler has been visiting my azaleas for the past several days! Fortunately, for me, he visits an azalea bush that is right outside my computer room window so I have been able to get several photos of him! It was early Monday morning that he was first noticed, flitting from branch to branch apparently eating azalea lace-bug eggs. I spent a lot of time (way too much time...and I wasn't getting done what I needed to do!!) trying to identify this cutie from the web and from books...but at the end of the day I was pretty frustrated. I decided to e-mail a few of the photos to a friend who has been birding for many years. He called me this morning to tell me that our little feathered friend is a Nashville Warbler!

He also shared with me that this little guy's visit is very rare in Pennsylvania during the winter and that in the last 108 years of the Christmas Bird Count in Pa. they have only been found 5 times !

I have to say that when I received his phone call this morning and found out the news I was giggly with excitement. What a nice Christmas present ...he is so small and peppy and has such wonderful colors!

We saw him again this morning and I am crossing my fingers he stays around so we can include him in the 08 Christmas bird count for Pa. on the 28th of December!!

Hopefully this little guy will find a lot of lace-bug eggs on my azaleas! (My poor azaleas!) I know his chances of making it through a Pa. winter aren't too good unless he finds alternate food sources. I did put out some nectar in our hummingbird feeder hoping this will help his food source. We did see him flit over to the suet log which holds a cylindar of suet that is supposedly laced with insects. If you have any ideas of what else I can do, please let me know! In the mean time I think I will just enjoy the fact that he chose my backyard to visit!! :) ya hooooo!!
I think they like the thistle seeds.
Again, you have outdone yourself with the photos. Thanks for sharing such beauty.
Happy holidays Tina, and might I add, what a joy to visit your site each and every time. Do you ever wonder why we do these blogs? Even though I am quite the newbie, I have to ask myself often, don't I have more important things to do? Then I visit someones site and my heart is lifted by their spirit and sence of adventure, and it becomes clear that I too want to be that person.
You are that person, Tina, you lift the spirits of others. God bless you.
That is so special to have such a rare visitor.I would look at it as a blessing sent just for you.Enjoy it while it lasts.Thanks for sharing this treat.
Wow Tina... He's gorgeous! I've never seen one like that before. i hope he stays with you!!!!
Have a great trip.
Very cool...how exciting..hope the little critter hangs out with you for the christmas count.
Wow, how I wish I could enjoy the beauty of nature as you do.
Wonderful little bird. Just keep doing whatever you were doing in the first place. Lucky you.
What a great Christmas gift indeed! I sure hope the little guy finds enough food as they are such beautiful little warblers. I see them in MN as they migrate through in the spring.
Wow Tina Great job!!! I hope you get to see him for the count! I know how excited you are. I had a Pine Warbler here for the Christmas count quite a few years ago it it was a great find! You're a great birder, keep it up...here's one bird you wont soon forget and that's how birding goes...the special birds that are imprinted in our memories make each and every bird special!!
Tina, those are wonderful shots, especially if you enlarge the. It looks like you can almost reach out and touch him.
How cool is that! Great shots too! I hope he stays...
Wow! These rare sighting really make ones day. Congratulations!!!
Gail, I will have to check and see if he likes thistle seeds, thanks for your help!
Craig, I, like you, have come to LOVE blogging and realizing how much fun birding is has been an added bonus! Thanks for you nice words! Keep walking..
Ruth, I am very fortunate to have seen this little guy here in Pa!!thanks.
Betsy, Thanks Bets and will do!
dawn, thank you!!
cityding, thanks, I do too!
Helen, Thank you, we will try and keep him aroung!
Marsha, he is "definitely" a gift..thanks
Barb, I am so hoping he is there for the count!
Thanks, Eve, we are very excited and still can't believe our luck!
Neil, thank u!!
Hannibal, Thanks for your words!
troutbirder, Thank you very much!!
Hi TIna,
A very nice christmas present indeed... And oyu have very cool pictures of it. Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year...
Cheers, Chris.
That's a cute little bird and you have got it very well Tina.
Tina: What a beautiful bird, neat capture. Thanks for sharing your Christmas gift.
How beautiful and such wonderful photos of it! Merry Christmas!
Fantastic pics. Enjoyed the scenery (snowy) in your area. Nice blog.
Thanks for your visit.
SO EXCITING!!!!! And what gorgeous photos of him on the azaleas! Wow! They are such amazingly beautiful captures! I hope he comes back for another count...too thrilling!
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