Such welcomed colors to see on an overcast-cold morning!! I have seen this bird from a far but never so close at hand!! Wow!!

He seemed like he was a little hesitant to leave the wire and explore the ground..he would lean into a position like he was going to fly and then straighten back up. Maybe my presence made him a little apprehensive about staying...

He never did explore the grounds at the blind..but opted to fly further back into the brush and find something among the leaves.. it was then I noticed someone was with him..

At first I thought it was a finch..but then I noticed he flew around her and she gave him her fullest attention. Later, she left him to munch among the leaves, while she gathered those all important diy materials!

Oh, the beauty we see when we actually look! Thanks for letting us see through your eyes, uh, lens.
Great photos Tina! These are one of my favorite birds to watch! I've noticed my grosbeaks get used to me after a while and they become less hesitant to come to the feeder if I'm nearby.
Lovely photographs of those beautiful birds. We have them only during migration twice a year, but we look forward to seeing them.
Oh Tina... I miss my male and female Rose-breasted Grosbeaks... They are so pretty---and can you believe they look so different--one from another. Glad you got to see them up close and personal. Great pictures!!!
I saw my FOY Red-breasted Gosbeak this weekend too. Aren't they striking? I love their song too.
Lovely pictures of this beautiful bird.
Oh my..I do love this bird! Saw one this weekend while was high in the trees singing!
So cool that you got close!
Great pics.
Excellent photos Tina. I love how you were able to capture all of the lovely colors in its plumage. For my reason my Rose-breasted Grosbeak pictures always come out looking washed out.
They don't stay for very long around here, but she is gathering nesting material, maybe you will have another mother 2B? Love that you had the close encounter!
Hi Tina,
The two first shots are magnificent. THe bokeh is perfect and the attitude of the bird is very nice. Good job. This bird is so beautiful. Warblers type here are so brownish and lack colors, I envy you!
These are fabulous captures!
Great photographs! I so look forward to the return of these birds in my backyard. I have 4 pairs this year...well 3 1/2.. I noticed one of the females sitting on the feeder and not eating and bullying everyone around her. The next morning she was lying feet up on the deck below the feeder. I have no idea what happened. No obvious marks of cat attack or anything like that! Made me very sad...I hope she doesn't have a nest already.
WOW...this is a beauty and the first image of the male is so beautiful Tina
Beautifully captured! Love the bokeh.. thanks for sharing them..
That's a very handsome grosbeak! Such sharp color contrasts and stunning against the green backdrop. Kudos to you, Tina!
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