What a delight to finally see this Yellow-Breasted Chat! They say he is the largest warbler with quite a big bill and a long tail!! His call is quite amusing..he makes several different sounds, similar to a mocking bird or a thrasher. I heard him in the brushy tangles...and it was several minutes before he decided to make his appearance. I had seen pictures of him in my bird guides but I don't think I was ready for how big he was compared to all the other tiny warblers I had seen this Spring!
Quite a handsome fellow with that bright lemony upper belly and throat!

On the way home I was happy to see the Gnatcatcher carrying a worm to the nest. I believe it is Mr G ...but I wasn't able to see any little tiny mouths stretching to get that worm..so maybe it was for the Mrs... I stared and stared trying to see...

but when I saw the look I was getting...I decided it was best to move on ;-0

Some times it just fun to watch an animal or a bird deal with the little problems of the day.. this poor Gray Catbird couldn't decide which leaf to choose..he had several in his bill before he finally settled on this one..I did wonder what the criteria was..

...and this cute little Red Fox kit was just too tired to move, as I walked near by...that good ole log and that sun just felt too good to give up! He kept me in his sights but by the time I left he had a good case of the yawns...hmmm, I wonder where Mom was?
Fun day Tina!
Love all your pix- especially the Gnat-catcher giving you the evil eye!
Fantastic pictures.My favorite has to be the little fox.He is so charming.
Tina - your birds do the funniest things - laughed at that gnatcatcher and his menacing glance! And how cute you got that fox kit - he definitely looked relaxed.
Great pictures, Tina... I have never seen a Yellow-breasted Chat before... In fact, I'm such a rookie that I've never even heard of this one.
You really got some good photo!!!! Wow!
The title was clever! I have never seen a chat but not for looking...What a day you had! I haven't seen a fox kit for a couple of years which I miss seeing! Lucky day for you, congrats!
Lynne, I seem to be getting a lot of parental bird eyes these days ;-0
Ruth, he was a cutie, but I know Mom was close by as someone else saw her..
Shelley, and they say kids do the 'darndest' things! ha ha
Barb, YOU are so correct...that chat was a challenge to get his pix! I waited for about 40 min. to get this far away shot!
Betsy, I'm seeing new birdees everyday, Betsy! and loving it!
Hannibal, I do think seeing the kit was at the top of my thrill list..I had never seen one b/f!
What a neat post as always. Perserverance must be the key as you always come up with the most intruiging pictures Tina. Way to go!
Tina: What an interesting post, those were some great photos of the birds and the fox.
Loved the photographs! I also wonder why a bird will look and look and discard one leaf after another before finding just the right one.
You have a lot of patience waiting on that chat! But it was well worth it. I love your little fox kit. He's adorable. Birds give us a lot of smiles and pleasure.. What a nice day you had.
Oh Tina you had a good day!!!
What great photos..I just love coming to visit here ;)
What a great day you had! I like all of your photos, but the picture of the fox kit is especially charming.
That fox photo was a stunner. I wish. I used to see them when I was a kid but I have not seen one in years. Glad that they are still around.
Voices from the past > http://bing-it.blogspot.com/
Some more FAB pics Tina. Just love the piercing look you got from the Gnatcatcher.
Great shots Tina. Of course, you always seem to get great shots.
ha..I always have a laugh when I listen to the Chat...chatting away endlessly.what a silly bird
The gnatcatchers nest is very cool..
Great photos of the kit and cat bird..
haa..kit cat..do you remember the candy..dont know if they still make it..
Tina, oh my! What a look you got from that gnatcatcher!!! Amazing to capture that precise instant...super pic, Tina!
I agree about the catbird, too. Curious choice. And a fox! Wow!
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