These guys were so close to my husband's model airplanes that he had to land..for fear of them hitting his plane or vice versa!! I always enjoy watching them glide and soar (they very seldom flap their wings) but we are more amazed at that 6 foot wing span! I just couldn't resist shooting this guy for Lynne at Hasty Brook!
Hi Tina, Wow I have to say that it is very impressive to think that you were flying with them. What an awesome souvenir this should be! The last shot is very impressive too, we can really see the wing span... Well done and thanks to shre with you this unique moment!
NC Mount. I'm not sure if they were interested in the planes but they didn't seem to have a fear of the planes or the noise from their engines..the farmer who owns the land had just cut the taller grasses so they were clustered there to hunt varmin, I think..and maybe just thought the planes were other birds?? The pilots just landed and enjoyed watching the birds hunt.There must have been a dozen or more.
I am a beginning birder and have learned so much my first year..thanks to all of you and my birder pals here in Pa. Looking forward to Spring and migration!!!
Hi Tina,
Wow I have to say that it is very impressive to think that you were flying with them. What an awesome souvenir this should be!
The last shot is very impressive too, we can really see the wing span... Well done and thanks to shre with you this unique moment!
Tina: Beautiful captures, your camera did a wonderful job.
Amazing shots.Even though they are not the maost beautiful in face but they are still majestic in form.
Great shots Tina. I've never tried to take shots of birds flying but I think I might try it a time or two now that I see yours.
Wow Tina.... What gorgeous birds... the wingspan is amazing. I'm not surprised that hubby had to land his planes... Mercy Me!!!!
Judging from the wing span of that bird I would say that it's a good thing your husband landed his plane before a collision occurred.
Beautiful capture! And you can over look the ugly head when you know how much cleaning they do.
Beautiful shots of my favorite bird- Thanks Tina!!
The minute I saw these I thought of Lynne, Tina! Very nice! Glad there was no loss of feathers or flaps!!
Great photographs of these wonderful big birds. Did they seem to have any interest in the planes?
I always marvel at the grace and beauty of their flight. Glad there wasn't a mid-air collision.
Thanks everyone for stopping by!
NC Mount. I'm not sure if they were interested in the planes but they didn't seem to have a fear of the planes or the noise from their engines..the farmer who owns the land had just cut the taller grasses so they were clustered there to hunt varmin, I think..and maybe just thought the planes were other birds?? The pilots just landed and enjoyed watching the birds hunt.There must have been a dozen or more.
OOh nice close up s Tina
Nice shots Tina..
maybe they were curious about the airplanes..
Wonderful pictures of a wonderful big bird.
I love Vultures.
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