I am finding myself lagging in my posting duties these days. :( Sorry.. maybe it's the time of season or the change in the clocks or maybe it's because those little warbler birds became so frustrating to capture with my lens ...I don't know why but I began to only carry my binoculars when I walked. Yesterday, for some reason, I decided to snag the camera as I headed out the door...and boy, I was glad I did!! I had only been walking the trail about 5 minutes when I noticed this young red-tail sitting on a branch close to the ground! 
Whatever he had been eating was gone, I could still see the blood on his talons..but no evidence of his kill. He was such a stunning sight...such beautiful markings.

He didn't seem to mind that I was so close as he pecked the branch's surface over and over again.

I sat and watched him for about 10 minutes. How nice to sit and watch a beautiful bird of prey right in front of me..no killing my neck, no gymnastics to get a decent shot...just what I needed to spark that ole digital hunting desire... ;-)
You are sooo lucky. And you met the challenge by bringing your camera. Stunning is the right word for these pictures. I've been leaving my camera behind as well of late. Not a decent bird picture in months. Your lesson is well taken by me. Thanks Tina
Great shots.Hope there are many more coming your way soon.
Beautiful Tina... I've missed you by the way. Thought about emailing you --but never got to it...
That young hawk is gorgeous.
Exciting to get so close to the RT and share these georgous photos. FAB.
I'm so glad you brought your camera Tina! This is just great!
Fantastic captures Tina... And it looks like he was not afraid at all of your presence... Well done!
Awesome! So lucky to see a hawk so close, and so cooperative! Really nice photos, well done!
When it comes to birding and blogging it seems all of us are in the same boat! I am so glad you took your camera.. Love all these RT Hawk pictures. He is so clear and close and makes me wanna go looking. I've also been leaving my camera home at times...a real BIG change for me.
These pictures are absolutely tremendous. I sure am glad you decided to grab your camera.
Wow what a beautiful bird this is and I guess, like cats who sharpen their claws, birds sharpen their beaks too.
Great photographs!!! Sometimes you are in the right place and with your camera. Thanks for sharing.
My goodness Tina, those are gorgeous! I'm glad you grabbed your camera!!!
Beautiful series capturing this Raptor's behavior.
...fantastic photos of the Red-tailed Hawk. I've never been that close to one--only see them high in the air or high in the trees!
Tina: A beautiful capture of the neat hawk. I love your colorful header.
Wow Tina! I clicked on the photos for better views..and to see if i could find remnants of what it was eating..Awesome shots!
I am glad you come by and comment on my blog..it reminds me to go check yours..I have been posting..but so busy i hardly read blogs..and i really miss it..
Not much down time when visiting friends.
Brilliant pictures. I am a first timer to your blog but will be following from now on, love it.
This bird is so wonderful!!!! I never get close enough to a hawk of any kind to get a photograph or even stand and watch. There are dozens of eagles nest not far from here, and in the spring I want to try to figure out how to get out to them (it will be difficult I am sure) so I can take some pictures!
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