Wednesday's winds came from the north.. but Thursday's winds came from the south west and this morning the trees were filled with little visiting birds! As usual, those ole Warblers hung out at the very top of the oak trees, killing our necks as we tried to find them. We did manage to spot some Blk and Whites, a few N. Parulas, a Black-Throated Green and several of those cute little butter rumps... but this little Oven Bird seemed to be the loudest of bird of all.

I've only ever seen one other Oven bird but today we heard and saw quite a few....

plus he really made this retired educator think of all the "many" creative minds she taught.. as he belted out his song that sounded like he was saying...
TEACHer. A calling I would much rather hear, these days, come from "one" cute little bird... ;-0
These little guys are really loud aren't they?
And demanding.
Hi Tina,
How cute this bird is, and I love this beautiful pictures in the branches! Well done, and let's hope the season will be full of nice pictures liket his for you ;-)
Looks like you have been seeing a bunch of new and different birds. Things are still pretty slow around here. I love the green a golden glow of your pictures, and your little bird seems to fit beautifully into the color scheme.
That last picture made me smile.You caught him at the perfect moment.I like the header picture as well.Hope you find many more birds over the weekend.
Hi Tina, The little Oven Bird is such a cutie. You got some great pictures. I can hear him singing now: TEACHer-TEACHer-TEACHer... Don't you think he was calling YOU??????
Aren't you sad about the horrible oil spill in the gulf??? I worry so about the birds and fish.. They say this one is going to be horrible. Makes me so sad---and MAD.
Great shots of what I understand is a very 'loud' songster from within the leafy canopy. FAB.
thats impressive..not just one photo of the illusive Oven bird! for a little bird they sure do have big sound.
Great shots Tina!
Cute! They can really belt it out! Nice that you captured a frame of the singing! Congrats!
Beautiful shots Tina. I love the colors in the photos!
I used to hear them on our birding trips in NY. I don't think I've heard one here. I'll have to go a looking!
These are great photos. I've never been able to photograph one. I saw one on the trail on Tuesday, but he was too far away for a decent shot. I love listening to all of the spring warblers.
How sweet. I've only seen one ever.
I love his speckled chest! So cute!
Great shot of the ovenbird! As soon as I spotted your title on someone else's sidebar, I knew I had to pop over for a visit! ~karen
Hi Tina,
You've not been publishing a message for over 10 months and I've to admit I start to worry about you... I hope you are doing fine....
Cheers, Chris
An ovenbird--amazing! I don't know if I have ever seen one! Great photos. How are you doing? I've been away for a while and glad to be back now. I've missed everyone!
A nice piece of information and looking fabulous, Honest work and please update some more.
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