These two Northern Flickers were too fast and flitty for anything other than a couple, run out the door, snapshots. They flew into my backyard this morning with such a burst of color. Wow! I think they would have stayed longer but it seemed our local mocking bird wasn't as thrilled with their presence as I was...because he soon ran them off. So much noise from one little gray bird!

A couple quick pics from far away and they were today's history! :('s not like they were after your suet!!
Tina, how gorgeous. Do you have flickers year 'round??? We have them --but not in the winter. I guess they go farther south 'til it gets warmer.
That silly mockingbird owns the suet feeder, doesn't he???? What a cute picture.
Hope you have a nice weekend!
You must have had your camera at the ready.Have a great weekend.
The flickers are pretty -- hopefully they will come back and you can get some better captures.
Nice captures of the "fleeting Flickers". They really show the yellow shafted namesake. We have plenty of red-shafted flickers here in the west but I have never seen a yellow-shafted flicker. They are even more beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Nice flickers! I am not sure if I have ever seen one. They may be so fleeting, I missed them.
Oh, those pushy little Mockers! But you gotta love them.
Great shots Tina. I like to watch flickers fly.... up and down, up and down.
Hi Tina,
These flickers are terribly beautiful... Really colorful and I like the spot on their belly... You were lucky to get them... A nice species to add on your list for the year...
Tina - LOL at your greedy mocking bird! But you did get some nice shots of those flickers - I could see their pretty colors thru those branches!
I haven't seen a Flicker in quite a while. The Downy Woodpeckers were paired up and chasing and making a big ruckus up at Hasty Brook last weekend. Spring??
Tina: What great shots you captured today.
That naughty bird!!!
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