Thursday, June 11, 2009

Old Hat, New Hat for the update

Posing for photos seems to be "old hat" for these two adult Gnatcatchers, they have "been there done that" was

the two new Gnatcatchers who chose to make their debut, together, but.. very high in the top of the tree! It was great to see that all four birds were doing well..but getting a close up picture of the new babies will have to come another day!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Morning walk....

One of Saturdays many bird sightings was a visit from this young Orchard Oriole! I was told he was a first spring male, recognized by the black bib down to his chest. He certainly had a lot to early in the morning. What a nice way to start a morning walk!

would like to hear your thoughts..