When its sunny but cold and the temps are falling instead of rising.. all of God's creatures seem to find a way to stay warm... even if you happen to be a member of a fairly large family!! I think these little bees just might be thinking about stay'en on for a while. The house size looks to be about right (probably still holding a couple thousand bees) ..they seem to have an interesting exterior design worked out, that honey-comb pattern just might work....
plus the neighbor is really cute and friendly......even if his house is a little shabby chic. ;-)
Cedar Waxwing takes a bath...
10 years ago
Honey and a squirrell!
That little red squirrel face is pretty cute!
Woooooo Tina.. Glad that's not one of my nest-boxes. That's a huge bunch of bees in that box... Hope the little squirrel doesn't go visit his neighbors... Do you think they'd sting him????? Yipes!!!!
Great post.
A nest box full of bees,now that is unique.
The squirrel is so cute!! I can't get over all of those bees!! I wonder if they will stay there??
Honey bees in a bird shelter, I first thought that was the owl till you did that closeup in the second image. WOW
Wow, never saw the bee box decorations before! Great post!
The bees are a little confused aren't they. They don't know that this is a bird house?? Of course, who's going to argue with them. :)
That will be interesting to keep an eye on. Those bees are quite resourceful!
That squirrel peeking out of that nest box is so cute!! HOpe the bees don't come over to visit him!!
Amazing! I've never seen the like. Great observation and photographs.
What a great post. Now if you could only get some of that honey --it's supposed to be very healthful. I wonder if the squirrel expects you to put out food for him now that he's in a nest box?
Bees & HONEY in a nest box, now that is cool.
Yikes! Snakes and bees scare me to death!
And I thought it was bad that the honeybees took over the hummingbird feeders last summer. Everybody keeps saying we are losing honeybees. I think they just need to look around.
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Photography By Leedra
Tina: What neat captures, they were definetly redefined.
LOL...very cute squirrel in shabby chic house...loved the bees digs and the design on the outside.
What a unique and different story! I loved it! If you knew a bee keeper he would come and rescue those honey bees and put them in a hive. My grandfather used to do that...so brave he was!!!
Oh! and the squirrel is just adorable peeking out!
Great shot of the squirrel! This is my first visit to your blog. I am looking forward to your future posts!
Wow!! I love the bees!! And that little feller is a cutie!
Yikes, watch out for THAT house, bluebirds (though it does come with plenty of food)! The squirrel looks pretty cozy in his spot, there. Great find, Tina!
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