Some one took a lot of time over the weekend to turn a favorite hawk perch into the likeness of a giraffe. A little spray paint and some we will have to wait and see if the artist's renderings have a positive or negative affect on those perching hawks!!
That is so clever and creative!
Love your new look and your idea! Let me know how it goes, I may try that here.
How cute, Tina... Someone is very creative.
Hope you are doing well...
If the hawk thinks it's a snake...there could be trouble! I wonder who will win!
There is definitely some creative talent shown here.Keep us posted as to how the hawks like it.
Excellent.... Good idea indeed and the branch has the perfect shape... Let see how the hawk behaves!
Kinda wierd actually. Naturally I like it!
Hi Tina - finally getting time to catch up on my blogs. Your owl photos are very good. They are all funny - hard to see even when you know they're around somewhere, but when you do see an owl, it just sits there and stares back. Are they trying to decide if we are tasty? Or are they the avian counterpart to cats with a don't bother me attitude.
Very neat looking! Wonder what the hawk will think!
I love it!
Marcy had me post a photo for you, Check out Marcy's Photos.
Tina: I don't think a hawk would be afraid of a giraffe.
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