Monday, April 26, 2010

An Early Morning sweet it is!!

I always make a list of what I want to accomplish for the next day, but like so many us these sunny days, I find that it doesn't take much for me to abandon my list and head out doors to enjoy the Spring Art Show that Mother Nature is displaying for us. I was visiting Bowman's Tower at Washington's Crossing, Pa. over the weekend. As we walked the paths at the foot of the hill we came across many a path that were lined with gorgeous Virginia Blue Bells.

...this little Field Sparrow quieted his singing to peek at who was passing by...
How lucky for us to spot two little Louisiana Water Thrushes high stepping all the stones and rocks that line the creek...I wasn't able to capture both at once...they are quite fast as they hop to catch what's next on the menu. on the photo to see those famous "bubble gum colored legs"..Such a nice day to see some Columbine enjoying the warming rays of the sun.

and it can't be Spring without a few Jack-in-the-Pulpits sprouting along the trails...also known as Indian turnips!or the sweet shape of the trillium...such color and greenery. Who would have thought we would be enjoying it all so early in the year.

Mean while, back at the ranch, yawn...the debate is still going on...but at least these Eastern Blues are checking out the blue bird boxes together...sort of..
the "old sweet home" with some curb appeal and a front "stoop" or the new estate with vaulted ceiling and hard wood floors?? Tsk Tsk..such virgins... I suppose! ;-)


Gail said...

I am never disappointed when I visit.

Wonderful photos.

This is my view of Louisiana Water Thrushes, they are beautiful.

Angad Achappa said...

Oh wow, that first image is lovely.. what a beautiful place it looks like.
Nice images of the birds as well...


troutbirder said...

I'm with Birdgirl on this one Tina. The bluebell path is stunning and those Waterthrushes are really something. They are quite rare here and at the top of my wanna see for a "lifer" list.

Janice K said...

Your beautiful pictures / stroll through the woods, made we wonder why I was setting at this computer and not taking a walk myself.

It would appear bluebirds can be just as choosy as people in selecting their homes. Hope they finally decide on one of them...because I would sure like to see your pictures of them as they raise their family.

Kelly said...

...those bluebells are just gorgeous. It looks like you had a wonderful walk. Lucky you to catch the waterthrush. I've never been able to photograph one.

Chris said...

Hi Tina,
What a nice walk you got... That's gonna be blue and blue for me, for the blue bells (gorgeous flowers) and the blue bird ;-) I hope one day I'll see this magnificent bird! Beautiful pictures you got all along this walk..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Tina, Thanks for taking us on such a nice little walk... The wildflowers are just so pretty --and I love seeing the different birds.

Our Bluebirds and Chickadees both fought over the nestbox--and now both sets are GONE. The nest is empty. Hope something comes and takes it....

Have a wonderful day/week.

Neal said...

Tina, I think you have your birds trained to pose for you. :) You always come up with some great shots. I love the flowers also. I took some similar pictures when I was in TN 3 weeks ago.

George said...

Bowman's Tower looks like a wonderful place for a walk. Your pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your Spring Art Show with us.
Our bluebirds haven't moved in yet either. I'm afraid we may have a vacant house for a while.

Dawn Fine said...

Great photos! Beautiful flowers! very cool you saw the water thrush..

NCmountainwoman said...

A sweet walk it is! What gorgeous's almost like being there. Thanks.

jalynn01 said...

That is what is good about a can keep it until another day and go do what you really want to do. I loved your walk. The bluebells were beautiful and the thrushes so at home standing on stones in water. Love them! I have no bluebirds but enjoy seeing them on those blogs that do. Thanks for the beauty of your walk..

Eve said...

Love the Water Thrush Tina! This reminds me, that I should go try to find one tomorrow. Beautiful photos and it's so nice to see your spring events!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photography! Just love the Louisiana Waterthrush shot!

A Colorful World said...

Really stunnign shots! Isn't spring glorious!

would like to hear your thoughts..